Petroglyph launched in 1993...
Mostly because it seemed that there should be more creative ways to socialize.
​For almost 20 years Petroglyph has been synonymous with creative expression and personalization — of ceramics. So earlier this year, when we started experimenting with personalizing candles, a new activity demanded a new experience and ultimately, a new studio. And Glow was created. After refining the idea all year, Glow Candle Lounge studio first opened in Willow Glen on Thanksgiving 2012, and then in Santa Cruz on Thanksgiving 2016.

Candles are remarkable objects. They can be simple —just a warm light and pleasant scent — or they can be veritable bouquets, centerpieces, or timecapsules. They freeze a moment in time, found-objects, thoughts, smells, only to be released days or years later. Or never.
Precious, personal, beautiful, functional, candles are a great form of self-expression. They are meaningful gifts. And making them is that unique combination of private and social.